UK: Hanson’s Regen Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS) product is being used by BAM Nuttall and Network Rail in the first and second phase of building a new sea wall in Dawlish, Devon. So far 4600m3 has been supplied to the project that is intended to protect a railway line from the sea. The bespoke mix being utilised for the project uses Regen GGBS to create a pumpable low carbon concrete that is strong enough to withstand erosion, waves and storm winds while reducing the amount of carbon generated by two-thirds.

“From the earliest phase of this project, we have considered how this scheme can limit its environmental impact without compromising the strength and resilience of the structure. The final design uses piles buried deep in the bedrock to create stability for the structure. Those piles are protected by prefabricated facing panels created off-site and reinforced by concrete poured in behind the visible section of wall,” said Jack Brookes, site agent for BAM Nuttall.

The project has also had to face difficult logistical, technical and operational challenges created by pouring large amounts of high specification concrete up to 200m through the night in very short tidal windows. Hanson plans to supply a further 4500m3 of concrete to the project.