Call for papers

This is the call for papers for the 17th Global Slag Conference

The conference convenors are interested to hear from prospective presenters for the Global Slag Conference. 

Papers should fit in with the main themes of the conference.

Main themes

  • Global and regional slag trends
  • Slag and sustainability
  • Surviving the slag crisis
  • Adding value to slag
  • Growing market share
  • Non-ferrous slags

Additional topics

  • Global slag production: markets & buyers
  • Emissions trading
  • Chemical and mineralogical optimisation of slag
  • Steel slag for cement: the final frontier
  • Slag transport and shipping
  • Slag handling and storage
  • Slag crushing
  • Slag grinding: innovations and case studies
  • Slag and cement: economics, standards and case studies
  • Slag and slag products: applications in the construction industry
  • Production and applications for non-ferrous slags

Speakers are allowed to mention their companies. 'Advertisements' are NOT allowed.

Interested authors should send a proposed presentation title and the name of the author/presenter by email to the conference convenor, Dr Robert McCaffrey, as soon as possible.

Accepted papers are added to the confirmed list on a 'first come, first served' basis. When the conference programme is full, no other papers will be considered for inclusion in the conference programme.

A note for prospective presenters: Presentation slots are not confirmed until the presentation has been explicitly agreed and confirmed with the conference convenor. Slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis: late-comers may be added to a waiting list at the discretion of the convenor. The programme order is decided by the convenor, giving due regard to the order in which presentations are received and the themes of the conference. You are advised to confirm your presentation title with the convenor as early as possible!

Authors must follow the instructions for authors.

Confirmed speakers register at a discounted registration fee: Confirmed slag producer or slag-product-user speakers register at no cost.

We look forward to hearing from you!