UK: DB Group and Wolfenden Concrete have announced the upcoming launch of Supa Green, a range of cement-free agricultural concrete products produced using DB Group’s Cemfree technology. The partnership says that this assures a 62% maximum CO2 reduction compared to concrete products made with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). It further says that the products have increased acid resistance. Cemfree is a low carbon concrete made using ground blast furnace slag (GGBS) and pulverised fly ash.

DB Group chief executive officer Wayne Zakers said, “DB Group’s mission is to improve the durability and sustainability of construction, working most intimately with our innovative partners. Working with Wolfenden will enable us to embed that innovation within the agricultural sector and to extend the benefits of our Cemfree technology to dairy farmers across the UK. The testing of Supa Green products has proven extremely successful, and so we look forward to the launch of the range, and to helping Wolfenden’s customers meet and exceed environmental targets.”