Indonesia: Fajar Harry Sampurno, the State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Ministry's undersecretary for mining, strategic industries and media affairs, says that the Environment and Forestry Ministry will issue rules stating that mineral waste such as slags resulting from processing nickel and copper ores could be used as raw material for the production of bricks, asphalt, concrete and cement. Mineral waste including copper and nickel slags are currently categorised as hazardous and toxic waste (B3), requiring special handling, according to the Jakarta Post newspaper.

Harjanto, the Industry Ministry's metal, machinery, transportation equipment and electronic industries director general, said the volume of nickel slag, which at present totals 20Mt/yr, would increase ‘sharply’ within the next few years when new mineral smelters currently under construction start operating. The government expects the construction of 31 smelters to be completed by 2021. At the end of 2018 27 smelters were operating, of which 17 are nickel smelters.