Turkey: Erdemir Group has ordered new INBA slag granulations systems as part of an order for two new blast furnaces (BF) from Luxembourg’s Paul Wurth for its Ereğli and Iskenderun integrated steel plants. At both sites a new furnace will replace an older production unit. The new blast furnaces are scheduled for blow-in in March 2021 and May 2021 respectively. No value for the order has been disclosed.

At Ereğli Erdemir’s new BF2 will have a hearth diameter of 10m, 24 tuyeres and two tapholes. It will produce 5000t/day of hot metal from an inner volume of 2188m3. At Isdemir the new BF1 will be sized at 12.5m in the hearth and 3587m3 of inner volume; it will be fitted with 32 tuyeres and four tapholes and will produce 7900t/day, which further increases the hot metal capacity at this site.

Paul Wurth will execute both projects on an EP basis including the supply of technological key items and related supervision of erection and commissioning. The orders include basic engineering of the blast furnaces with profile, cooling and lining concepts as well as the design of the stockhouses, top gas cleaning plants, slag granulation plants and BF cooling units.

For both furnaces, Paul Wurth will supply Bell Less Top charging systems and bleeder valves, refractories for the hot blast mains and bustle pipes, tuyere stocks with tuyere phenomena detection system (TPDS), technological and critical items for the top gas cleaning plants (consisting of axial cyclones, annular gap scrubbers) as well as for in total three INBA slag granulations systems. Extensive sets of TMT probes and process recorders include, inter alia, 3D TopScanburden surface profile meters and SOMA acoustic top gas temperature measurement. Under the same contracts, TMT will also supply fully hydraulic taphole machinery for equipping all the six tapholes in total.