India: Harsco Corporation has announced that it has begun a multi-year contract to provide onsite material processing services to India's largest stainless steel producer, Jindal Stainless Limited (JSL).

The project at JSL's all-new production facility in the growing steel-producing area of Jajpur, Odisha marks Harsco's fifth major steel mill services site in India and its first serving India's stainless sector. Harsco's services include specialised process technologies for recovering metal from stainless steel slag co-products.

"From 1Mt/yr of stainless steel production, we used to lose 5000 – 6000/t of metal embedded in slag," said JSL Unit Head, SK Agrawal. "With this new set-up, Harsco will handle all slag, treat it to recover metal and generate a metal-free slag." The metal content recovered by Harsco is available for reuse in the production of new steel, while Harsco continues to develop a number of commercial products from the residual slag material.